CURRENT Newspaper

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Interested in Contributing as An author or placing an ad?

RHAWA’s monthly newspaper is the leading rental housing industry news journal in Washington. It reviews industry related legislative activity, vacancy trends, property management and maintenance information, as well as business and personal finance.​

RHAWA is more than happy to review any and all articles pertaining to the rental housing industry. RHAWA cannot guarantee all submitted articles will be published. Articles must be educational and cannot compete with products and services offered by RHAWA. RHAWA reserves the right to edit or refuse articles. RHAWA may give permission for articles to be reprinted with the stipulation that credit be given to the original author and the publication.


  • Educational article
  • Around 650 words in a Word document
  • Optional graphics or photos
  • Author byline + head-shot
  • Final paragraph about company including contact info.

Submit your article for consideration here. Articles are selected the first week of each month and will most likely appear in the following month's edition.

If you are interested in advertising opportunities, please refer to CURRENT's ad agreement for ad specs, rates, and deadlines.

GET PUBLISHED!  Contact Sisi Mereness today.