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Economic Summit (ONLINE ONLY)

Online and phone access information provided with registration.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PDT)

Event Details

Financial insights await at the RHAWA Economic Summit!

In order to make the best decision for your rental property it's important to have as much reliable information as possible. At the Economic Summit on March 25 you'll get a chance to hear from leading experts about the rental housing market as it currently stands and what you can expect to see in the near future.

We will be joined by Kidder Mathews Executive VP Dylan Simon and Zillow Research's economist Jeff Tucker. Between the two you'll receive a comprehensive analysis of the Washington housing market, taking into account the state and regional trends as well as more localized information about the Puget Sound area.


Dylan is one of the most active multifamily brokers in the Puget Sound region, and the research and thought leadership produced by his team is followed throughout the commercial real estate industry. His expertise is in the sale of apartment buildings and development in Seattle and the Puget Sound region.

Jeff joined Zillow in March 2018 as an analyst on the Economic Research team where he studies the causes and consequences of changing supply in the housing market. He holds an M.A. in Economics from the University of Washington and a B.A. in Economics from Amherst College.

Whether you're looking to keep your rentals competitvely priced at market-rate rents, an investor considering expanding your rental portfolio, or someone considering some different municipalities to own property in, you'll find the information you need at the Economic Summit!

For our members' safety and well-being, RHAWA's Economic Summit will be presented ONLINE ONLY. After the event, all participants will receive a link to recorded presentation and downloadable materials for review.

All written, presented, and recorded content provided by RHAWA for this event are for the use of the participants registered for this event. Copyrighted event content may not be further disseminated.