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Navigating Housing Conflict

In the Shadow of COVID-19

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)

Online only

Event Details

Good conflict resolution skills are a key competency for every successful housing provider. With the advent of pandemic, they are being tested as never before. Up your game with guidance from veteran property managers and mediators Mary Hennessy and Roger Moss. Topics will include communication best practices, the role of self-care in conflict engagement, and when to request help from a professional neutral.

RHAWA Members: Attend unlimitted seminars for 12 months with one of our class pass options. Learn more here.

This session is presented ONLINE ONLY. After class, all participants will receive a link to recorded session and downloadable materials for review.

All written, presented and recorded content provided by RHAWA for this course are for the use of the participants enrolled in the course.  Copyrighted course content may not be further disseminated. 

Formal legal advice and review is recommended prior to selection and use of this information. RHAWA does not represent your selection or execution of this information as appropriate for your specific circumstance. The material contained and represented herein, although obtained from reliable sources, is not considered legal advice or to be used as a substitution for legal counsel.