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Screening International Applicants

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PST)

Online Only

Event Details

Over the past decade, King County had the third largest increase in foreign-born residents among all U.S. counties. Rental housing providers must have procedures in place to work with applicants from outside the U.S. If not, you are missing out on the opportunity to get reliable tenants, and you risk violating new statewide fair housing protections based on citizenship/immigration status. Property Manager Josh Halpin will review best practices for setting fair screening criteria and processing applicants who lack rental and credit history in the United States.

RHAWA Members: Attend unlimitted seminars for 12 months with one of our class pass options. Learn more here.

This session is presented ONLINE ONLY. After class, all participants will receive a link to recorded session and downloadable materials for review.

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