Residential Rental Forms


RHAWA forms are copyrighted and are for member use only. Unauthorized use, publication or distribution is strictly prohibited. Formal legal advice and review is recommended prior to selection and use of any provided form. RHAWA does not represent your selection or execution of any form as appropriate for your specific circumstances. Rental owners / managers and tenants are each advised to seek independent legal advice on matters arising from use of any form. No representation is made as to the sufficiency or tax consequences from use of any form.


Private organizations such as RHAWA are not required to provide translated materials. We operate on a very limited budget and providing translations of our materials is just not possible. To be fair, if we translate for one language, we must also translate for all “primary languages” in the state (Spanish, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and Chinese). As such, we only provide information and services in English. Members (as well as their residents and vendors) may wish to use a translation service or software application to translate on their own. See for limited state-provided resources.


Forms may be printed and completed in writing, OR downloaded and completed on your computer.

  1. Login to with active RPO or PM member profile.*
  2. Click on the desired form to view in web browser.
  3. Download form and save to your computer.
  4. Open with Acrobat Reader (Download free Acrobat Reader). 
  5. Type into fill-able fields and save/send/print completed documents.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: You do not need to "sign in" or "start free trial" to use these PDF forms as intended. You can close the "Welcome to Acrobat" sidebar by clicking on the "x" in upper right corner.

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*If you are not a member and would like access to this library of forms, join as an RPO or PM member. Manufactured Housing Community members, see MHC Leases + Forms.

Forms Library

Browse the following form categories or enter Ctrl+F to search this page for the desired form.

  1. Application & Screening
  2. Leases & Required Addenda
  3. Optional Lease Addenda
  4. Tenant Notice Forms
  5. Other Tenant Communication Forms

1. Application & Screening

These forms and tools are used with prospective tenants prior to lease signing.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Both of the following HUD forms must be provided to the tenant when denying or offering tenancy, or giving notice to end the tenancy of a tenant in VAWA Covered Housing (e.g., the owner or any tenant is benefiting from a federal program). Read  VAWA Covered Housing to see if you must provide these forms.

Form Name and Link Usage Notes Reviewed1 Revised2
Adverse Action Notice (Other Screening) Must be given to any applicant rejected after screening commenced. Use this version to write in details of other screening service. 7/2024 7/2/2024
Adverse Action Notice (Azibo Screening) Must be given to any applicant rejected after screening commenced. Use this version when using Azibo Screening Service. 7/2024 6/24/2024
Alternate Identification List Reference for applicants without standard ID. NA 2016
Application Criteria Guidelines Instructions on how to write your Application and Screening Criteria Notice that must be provided to all prospective applicants before they apply. Covers all local laws and includes blank form for convenience.  10/2024 10/07/2024
Application for Tenancy Give to prospective tenants who want to apply after viewing unit for rent. (Do NOT use hard copy form with Azibo. Must use digital version built into the Azibo system.) 11/2022 7/18/2023
Application for Tenancy (Seattle) Use this version for property in city of Seattle. (Do NOT use hard copy form with Azibo. Must use digital version built into the Azibo system.) 11/2022 7/18/2023
Deposit to Secure Occupancy & Receipt Use to secure occupancy if there is a time gap between agreement to enter into lease and actual lease signing. 5/2021 5/21/2021
Seattle Fair Housing Poster (Open Housing) Posting required in leasing office and rental property. Scroll down to links for various languages. NA 2023
Washington Fair Housing Poster Posting recommended in leasing office and rental property. NA 1/2021

1. Date of last attorney review.
2. Date of last revision. Any revisions made without recent attorney review are not substantive (e.g., formatting, typo corrections, etc.).

Return to form category list.

2. Leases & Required Addenda

These forms are required for creating a legal lease or rental agreement based on the circumstances.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Both of the following HUD forms must be provided to the tenant when denying or offering tenancy, , or giving notice to end the tenancy of a tenant in VAWA Covered Housing (e.g., the owner or any tenant is benefiting from a federal program). Read  VAWA Covered Housing to see if you must provide these forms.

Form Name and Link Usage Notes Reviewed1 Revised2
Washington Single-Family Rental Agreement

Must have a "good cause" to end tenancy.
Use to rent an entire single-family property for a month-to-month tenancy, or a term lease that converts to month-to-month. Using this form makes the tenancy subject to "good cause" termination restrictions under RCW 59.18.650See Leasing Requirements by Local Jurisdiction for local law information. 4/2024


Revision Notes

Washington Single-Family Term Lease

Can end tenancy "without cause" at end of term (60-day notice).

Use to rent an entire single-family property for a fixed term tenancy, exempt from good cause termination restrictions under RCW 59.18.650 in most of WA State. In order to maintain exemption throughout tenancy, always serve an End of Term Notice at least 60 days before the end of each term. See Leasing Requirements by Local Jurisdiction for local law information. 4/2024


Revision Notes

Washington Multi-Family Rental Agreement

Must have a "good cause" to end tenancy.
Use to rent any unit sharing property with another unit for a month-to-month tenancy, or a term lease that converts to month-to-month. Using this form makes the tenancy subject to "good cause" termination restrictions under RCW 59.18.650See Leasing Requirements by Local Jurisdiction for local law information. 4/2024


Revision Notes

Washington Multi-Family Term Lease

Can end tenancy "without cause" at end of term (60-day notice).

Use to rent any unit sharing property with another unit for a fixed term tenancy, exempt from good cause termination restrictions under RCW 59.18.650. In order to maintain exemption throughout tenancy, always serve an End of Term Notice at least 60 days before the end of each term. See Leasing Requirements by Local Jurisdiction for local law information. 4/2024


Revision Notes

Leasing Requirements by Local Jurisdiction MUST READ - special leasing instructions for several different local governments. 6/2024 7/16/2024
Property Condition Checklist Required by WA state law before collecting deposit. 7/2023 7/25/2023
Mold Handout Required by WA state law at initial lease signing. 3/2010 10/19/2020
Lead-based Paint Pamphlet Required by federal law for property built prior to 1978 at all lease signings, renewals and/or at least once a year. NA 3/2021
Lead-based Paint Disclosure Addendum Required by federal law for property built prior to 1978 at all lease signings, renewals and/or at least once a year. 10/13 10/20/2020
Notary Form for Landlord Signature Required by WA state law on any lease with term longer than one year. 3/2022 3/16/2022
Agency Disclosure and Pamphlet Only use when a real estate broker is operating the property for the owner. 6/2024 6/24/24

Notice of Occupancy Rights under VAWA (Form HUD-5380) &
Domestic Violence Certification ... (Form HUD-5382)

Both forms are required when denying or offering tenancy or evicting a tenant in VAWA Covered Housing (e.g., receiving assistance from a HUD program such as Section 8). 11/2024 12/2016
Local Law Disclosures Usage Notes Reviewed1 Revised2
Local Law Disclosure - Auburn The Renting in Auburn document is required at all lease signings, or each year of tenancy, and when updated by city. NA 10/12/2020
Local Law Disclosure - Burien The Renting in Burien Handbook is required at all lease signings, or each year of tenancy, and when updated by city. NA 5/2023
Local Law Disclosure - SeaTac The Renting in SeaTac Guide is required at all lease signings, or each year of tenancy, and when updated by city. NA 5/17/2023

Local Law Disclosure - Seattle

Seattle: Attach for multi-family, 2+ units:

Residential Parking Agreement / Addendum & Instructions 

Seattle: Attach for multi-family, 3+ units:

Resident Billing Utility Notice

The Renter's Handbook(scroll down on webpage to see different language versions) is required at all lease signings, or each year of tenancy, and when updated by city. A HARD COPY (shipping available from RHAWA) is required at the initial lease signing.

The other two addenda are required for multifamily properties in Seattle.

NA 1/2024
Local Law Disclosure - Spokane Disclosure of contamination or pending sale of property required before lease signing. 12/2023 12/12/2023

Local Law Disclosures - Tacoma

Attach all three:

The new Renting in Tacoma includes information on both the Rental Housing Code & the Landlord Fairness Code Initiative. A hard copy with tenant signature is required at the initial lease signing. 

Landlord must inform all applicants of their right to pay move-in costs on installments and they must provide tenant with Installment Payment Plan Request form created by the City of Tacoma at the time lease is offered.

There are several clauses that must be included in all Tacoma lease agreements. These are included in the Tacoma Required Lease Clause Addendum.

1/2023 1/2/2023
Local Law Disclosure - Tumwater The Renting in Tumwater: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants and Your Rights as a Tenant in Washington State: An Overview are required at all lease signings, or each year of tenancy, and when updated by city. NA 3/31/2023
Local Law Disclosure - Tukwila A Guide to landlord and Tenant Issues  NA 3/31/2023

1. Date of last attorney review.
2. Date of last revision. Any revisions made without recent attorney review are not substantive (e.g., formatting, typo corrections, etc.).

Return to form category list.

3. Optional Lease Addenda

These forms are designed to be attached to the lease, either at initial signing or during tenancy.

Form Name and Link Usage Notes Reviewed1 Revised2
Assistance Animal Addendum Use to collect information about animal, including doctor note if appropriate, city licensing, etc. 10/2021 12/15/2021
Bed Bug Addendum Use to inform tenants of best practices to avoid bed bugs. (Rev. Note: All attorney fee clauses removed from addenda 12/2023.) 12/2023 12/15/2023
Community & Home Owner Association Addendum Use to add HOA rules to terms of lease. 7/2020 10/15/2020
Crime Free Addendum Use to emphasize the importance of complying with certain laws, and that noncompliance will result in termination of the rental agreement. 10/2021 11/18/2021
Deposit Payment Schedule (Extended) Use to document payment schedule terms for move in costs per tenant rights in cities of Burien, Kenmore, Kirkland, Redmond, SeaTac, Seattle, Shoreline, and Unincorporated King County. Use Tacoma City Provided Form. 2/2024 2/28/2024
Deposit Payment Schedule (WA State) Use to document payment schedule terms for move in costs per tenant rights in the state of WA. 2/2024 2/28/2024
Guarantor Addendum (Co-Signer) Use to add a co-signer signature making the signer liable for the financial terms of the lease agreement.  10/2020 10/6/2020
Heating Fuel Addendum Use for properties where the tenant is responsible for refilling heating fuel tank (oil, propane, etc.) 7/2020 10/15/2020
Military Clause Addendum Use to inform active military tenants of their rights to terminate tenancy due to change of orders. 5/2015 10/19/2020
Mold Addendum Use to document receipt of Mold Handout and enhance accountability for mold prevention. 7/2020 10/15/2020
Pet Addendum & Additional Fee / Security Deposit Receipt Use to set detailed pet policy including collection of a fee and/or deposit. Do not use in city of Seattle where these charges are not permitted. 6/2020 10/19/2020
Pet Addendum (Seattle) Seattle version of above listed form without fee or deposit, only "pet rent" is permitted. 6/2020 10/19/2020
Resident's Designee Notice Ask sole tenants to complete this form in case of death. 10/2020 10/15/2020
Seattle City Light (Online Application) Provide this link to Seattle tenants to apply for electricity service. NA NA
Roommate Addendum Use to move individual people in or out of an ongoing tenancy. 8/2020 8/20/2020
Satellite Dish Addendum Use when giving tenant permission to have a satellite dish installed. 7/2020 10/15/2020
Septic Tank Addendum Use for properties with septic tanks. 9/2014 1/30/2023
Smoke Free Addendum Use to create a comprehensive smoke-free policy appropriate for multi-family housing. 5/2015 10/15/2020

1. Date of last attorney review.
2. Date of last revision. Any revisions made without recent attorney review are not substantive (e.g., formatting, typo corrections, etc.).

Return to form category list.

4. Tenant Notice Forms

These forms are designed for giving legal notices that are in compliance with state and local laws.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Both of the following HUD forms must be provided to the tenant when denying or offering tenancy, or giving notice to end the tenancy of a tenant in VAWA Covered Housing (e.g., the owner or any tenant is benefiting from a federal program). Read  VAWA Covered Housing to see if you must provide these forms.

Where Serve* is indicated, carefully follow Notice Service Instructions
and complete the Declaration of Service form (click button below):

 Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service 

Form Name and Link Usage Notes Reviewed1 Revised2
Abandonment Notice Post if you have reason to believe the tenant has moved out without proper notification. 6/2021 6/24/21
Abandoned Property Storage Notice Post if you need to remove tenant's property left behind when they abandoned the property. 6/2021 6/24/21
Comply or Vacate Notice Serve* with 10 or 30 (if subject to CARES Act) days' notice if tenant commits or permits a substantial breach of a material program requirement of subsidized housing, material term subscribed to by the tenant within the lease or rental agreement, or a tenant obligation imposed by law.
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.
8/2023 8/7/2023
Deposit Refund Statement  Must be mailed to tenant within 30 days of move out or the entire deposit must be returned to the tenant. 7/2023 7/24/2023
End of Tenancy Notice (WA)

Serve* based on longest notice period required for relevant cause(s). MUST READ - includes details on local regulations: Statewide Guide on Good Cause to End Tenancy.
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.

12/2022 6/22/2023
End of Term Notice (Non-Renewal)  Serve* more than 60 days prior to the end of the current lease term to end tenancy without cause. Not permitted in Auburn, Burien, Federal Way, Kenmore, Seattle, SeaTac and unincorporated King County.
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.
3/2023 5/3/2023
End of Term Notice with Lease Extension

Serve* more than 60 days prior to the end of the current lease term to end tenancy without cause. 
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.

End of Term Notice with MtoM Conversion  Give in writing more than 60 days prior to the end of the current lease term.  10/27/2022
Entry to Premises Notice Post  with 1 or 2 days' if unable to get written (digital OK) permission to enter the premises from all residents. 6/2022 6/30/2022
Notice to Quit for Waste or Nuisance Serve* with 3 or 30 (if subject to CARES Act) days' notice if tenant commits or permits waste or nuisance upon the premises, unlawful activity that affects the use and enjoyment of the premises, or other substantial or repeated and unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of the premises by the landlord or neighbors of the tenant.
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.
8/2023 8/8/2923
Pay or Vacate Notice Servewith 14 or 30 (if subject to CARES Act) days' notice  if tenant does not pay monthly rent.
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.
6/2024      6/27/2024
Rent Increase Notice 

Rent Increase Notice - Tacoma

60-day notice required for any rent increase under WA State law.

Read instructions on second page for information on extended notice periods and service requirements by several local governments.

*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.

8/2024 3/3/2025
(City of Spokane changes)
Rules Change in Terms of Tenancy Notice Serve* to change a non-monetary rule during a tenancy. If in a fixed term lease, do not use for substantive changes to perceived value or enjoyment of the rental premises. Instead, wait for lease extension offer.
*See Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service.
6/2021 6/30/2021
Transfer in Ownership / Management Notice

Serve* notice to all tenants upon selling a property.

6/2021 6/30/2021

* Where Serve* is indicated, carefully follow Notice Service Instructions
and complete the Declaration of Service form (click button below):

 Notice Service Instructions + Declaration of Service 

1. Date of last attorney review.
2. Date of last revision. Any revisions made without recent attorney review are not substantive (e.g., formatting, typo corrections, etc.).

Return to form category list.

5. Other Tenant Communication Forms

These forms are designed for situations where formal communication with tenants is useful or required.

Form Name and Link Usage Notes Reviewed1 Revised2
Death Notices to Sole Tenant Contacts In order to identify representative(s), send out to all known contacts of sole tenant who is deceased. 11/2015 12/15/2021
Deposit Refund Statement  Mail with Property Condition Checklist within 30 days of move out. Required for all move-in deposits by state law. 7/2023 7242023

Domestic Violence Certification ... (Form HUD-5382)

Tenant can use this form to provide documentation of domestic violence when exercizing rights under VAWA. 11/2024 12/2016
Early Lease Termination Agreement Use to document agreement to end a term lease early. 7/2012 6/30/2022
Intent to Sell Low Income Property (Seattle) When selling a multifamily building, check this chart to see if notice to city and tenants is required. NA NA
Invoice and Payment Schedule for Past Due Rent  Use to offer a payment plan to tenant with past due rent. (Only required for rent that was due between 2/29/2020 and 5/31/2023.) 5/2024 5/14/2024
Lease Extension (see End of Term Notice with Lease Extension) Scroll up to Tenant Notices for lease extension form. 10/2022 10/27/2022
Move-Out Instructions Highly recommended, provide to tenants before they move out. Revised for new WA security deposit law. 1/2024 1/25/2024
Payment Receipt Use to document a payment was made. 7/2015 6/22/2022
Rent / Fee Invoice Use to document money owned by tenant. 7/2023 7/20/2023
Resident Complaint Use to document a tenant complaint. 7/2015 6/22/2022
Resident Designee (Sole Tenant) Ask tenants who live alone to complete this form. 10/2020 10/15/2020
Resident Disability Verification  Provide to tenant who has asked for a disability accommodation where the need is not apparent, and they do not already have a note from care provider. 9/2022 10/6/2022
How to Apply for Electric Service in Seattle Website with information for tenant to start or stop electrical service in Seattle. NA NA
Resident Information Update Send to tenant(s) regularly to get information updates. 5/2021 6/22/2022
Resident Intent to Vacate Use to document tenant's decision to vacate the premises during a month-to-month tenancy. Form not required. Tenant simply needs to give notice in writing. 6/2024 6/26/2024
Resident Maintenance Request Use to document a tenant's request for a repair. 7/2015 6/22/2022
Roommate Addendum Use to move individual tenants or residents in and/or out of a group tenancy. 8/2020 8/20/2020
Time Estimate for Repair Use to document extensive time needed to complete a repair. 8/2020 8/20/2020
Utility Billing Copy Request Send to utility company to request notification of payment or nonpayment by tenant. 5/2021 6/21/2022
Utility Discount Enrollment Application (Seattle) Application for low-income tenants to receive discount on utilities in Seattle. NA NA

1. Date of last attorney review.
2. Date of last revision. Any revisions made without recent attorney review are not substantive (e.g., formatting, typo corrections, etc.).

Return to form category list.