Comply or Vacate Notices
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Comply Or Vacate Forms (Residential Rentals)
Location/Notes |
Reviewed1 |
Revised2 |
WA State | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
City of Auburn | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
City of Federal Way | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
Unincorporated areas of King County | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
City of SeaTac | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
City of Seattle | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
City of Tacoma | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
City of Tumwater | 8/2023 | 8/7/2023 | |
1. Date of last attorney review.