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Course List | Understanding the Laws
Navigating the various federal, state, and local laws on residential landlord-tenant and manufactured landlord-tenant law relations is complex and constantly changing. It is important that everyone in the industry has a basic understanding of the law and refreshes their knowledge on a regular basis. Seasoned landlord-tenant attorneys lead a variety of classes, specific to Fair Housing Law, Washington State, and other municipal codes.
Assessing Criminal Records in Screening | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Christopher Cutting Following HUD Guidelines, Washington Attorney General’s office prohibits landlords from having any blanket bans on applicants based on criminal history. Instead, they must assess each individual and only deny tenancy with a solid business case. Attorney and RHAWA Legislative Committee Chair, Christopher Cutting reviews what to consider and what might qualify as valid business case for denial. Additional restrictions in the City of Seattle will also be discussed. |
Death of a Tenant | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Chris Benis, Enrique Jevons Talk to any experienced landlord, and they will all have at least one example of a tenant dying with surrounding difficulties. If you are responsible for discovering the death, who do you inform? What should you do if more than one person claims responsibility for the estate, or if no one claims responsibility? What are your legal obligations relating to the lease and access to the unit? We will review how to appropriately respond to this event while following all applicable laws. Various situations, including death of a sole tenant will be explored. |
Disability Accommodations | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Chris Benis A tenant can make a disability accommodation request, including use of an assistance animal at any time. They must also be permitted to make reasonable disability-related modifications to the property. Are you bound by law to deliver whatever they ask? Attorney and RHAWA Legal Counsel, Chris Benis will explain the interactive process to follow when determining reasonable solutions, and share memorable examples highlighting what to do, and what not to do. |
Eviction Laws and Procedures | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructors: Christopher Cutting, Eric Steven Learn best practices for enforcing compliance with rental terms and managing other circumstances that require ending a tenancy. Attorneys Christopher Cutting and Eric Steven will cover: Notices and eviction procedures for rules violations, non-payment of rent and other good causes to end tenancy and related procedures. They will also share best practices when preparing for court, and what to expect. |
Expansion of Local Rental Laws | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Chris Benis While Washington’s Residential Landlord-Tenant Act is comprehensive and governs landlord-tenant law throughout the state, it is only enforceable through civil actions taken by landlords and tenants. Now several local jurisdictions have taken on the role of enforcer by implementing their own laws, enabling them to inflict hefty fines on housing providers. They have also crafted new laws which have spread to other cities and then up to the state level. RHAWA’s legal counsel Chris Benis will explore these trends and review recently enacted laws in cities throughout King County and beyond. |
Fair Housing and Unconscious Bias | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Michael Chin Due to a lifetime of cultural influences we often exhibit unconscious bias outside of our awareness which can be in direct contradiction to our espoused beliefs and values. Attorney and representative of the Seattle Office of Civil Rights, Michael Chin will explain unconscious or implicit bias and how it may be impacting our reactions and decision-making when working with tenants and prospective tenants. Learn valuable tips and techniques to create policies and practices that will promote equal opportunity housing in your rental operations. |
Fair Housing Essentials | Runtime: 2 hours Instructor: Jeana Poloni When you think of risk management for your rental business, fair housing training might not be top of mind, but it's critical. Even the most fair and ethical landlords can receive hefty fines for fair housing violations. In this seminar, you will learn:
How State Laws Are Made | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Chester Baldwin If the old cartoon from Schoolhouse Rock is the extent of your knowledge, use your lunch hour to learn how bills are proposed and passed into State law in Olympia. Following curriculum provided by the State legislature, Chester Baldwin will explain the official lawmaking procedures from drafting to voting in both chambers, and how things really work through the legislative biennium. |
How Tenancy Ends Under New Laws | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting Although the vast majority of tenancies end when the resident decides to move out, sometimes a rental owner has reasons to end it as well. New state and local laws have made radical changes to this process. Depending on the terms of your agreement, the local jurisdiction and why you want the tenant to move out, there are different procedures you must follow. Christopher Cutting, attorney and RHAWA board member, will explain the legal requirements and share his own methods for respectfully communicating with tenants. |
How to Apply for Mitigation Funds | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Nick Yuva Washington state’s Landlord Mitigation Fund was established in 2018 to support landlords working with tenants on rental assistance. It was expanded to support eviction reinstatement payment plans provided for in laws effective in 2019. Now it has been expanded again to help landlords in various situations related to COVID rental arrears. Program administrator, Nick Yuva will explain how the various programs works and answer your questions. |
HUD Guidelines on Service Animals | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Maxwell Glasson When hearing news about pigs and peacocks on airplanes, you might wonder what kind of animals you may be required to accept on your rental property if presented with an accommodation request. Seattle area attorney, Maxwell Glasson, will explain your responsibilities around providing accommodations for disabled tenants. In this one-hour webinar, he will dispel the myths and walk you through new HUD guidelines that clarify recommended best practice. |
Legal Forum WA State | Runtime: 2.5 hours Instructors: Chris Benis, Synthia Melton, Nancy Ivarinen, Quinn Posner, Eric Steven Over the last few years, conflicting state and local laws have changed everything from lease renewals to rent payment enforcement. Contradictory and unclear language make it difficult to predict how case law will unfold over the coming years. This is your chance to hear five attorneys, currently practicing landlord-tenant, real estate and business law across Washington, discuss your most difficult questions. |
Legal Forum: King County | Runtime: 2.5 hours Instructors: Cory Brewer, Christopher Cutting, Julie Martiniello, Kaitlyn Jackson Watch three leading Seattle-area attorneys discuss dozens of questions pre-submitted by the audience that are curated, combined and refined by our education team. Topics will include landlord-tenant relations, rental agreement regulations, fair housing, emotional support animals, rental assistance programs like section 8, property development like adding ADUs, rental registration and business license requirements. Pretty much anything related to owning and operating rental properties in King County. |
Manufactured Housing Landlord-Tenant Act | Runtime: 2.5 hours Instructor: Cody Branstetter Review the state and local laws that govern the operation of manufactured housing communities in the State of Washington. Instructor, Cody Branstetter will discuss various aspects of the MHLTA as it relates to all phases of a tenancy including screening of applicants, the rental agreement, legal duties of the landlord and the tenant, preparing and serving notices and the unlawful detainer process. He will also review recently implemented laws in several local governments across the state. |
Navigating Legal Risk in Seattle Rentals | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Chris Benis With over 30 years practicing landlord-tenant law, and over 40 years owning and managing Seattle area rental property, RHAWA legal counsel Chris Benis will highlight important best practices for Seattle housing providers while explaining related rental regulations, both old and new. Whether you are a seasoned landlord, or new to the business, do not miss this chance to get your questions answered as you approach today's challenges when operating a rental property in the City of Seattle. |
New Security Deposit Rules | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Maxwell Glasson A general security deposit can normally be used to pay for any outstanding debt owed by the tenant to the landlord. Unfortunately, it is easy to make mistakes under the intricacies of laws governing the use of deposits, including new law in effect on July 23. Attorney, Maxwell Glasson will review all the state and local laws governing the security deposit as well as best practices to follow when collecting and completing refund accounting at move out. |
Owner-Occupied Properties in Seattle: A Unique Rental | Runtime: 1 hour | 1/23/2025 Instructor: Rebecca Craemer With Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADUs) construction on the rise, many homeowners are transitioning to become housing providers. While this type of owner can face some unique challenges, they also fall within some significant exemptions to Seattle city law. In this class, Attorney and Managing Broker Rebecca Craemer will discuss best practices for any owner occupied property, including listing, screening applicants, and ultimately leasing your rental. Join this class to become more empowered in navigating Seattle law and setting the groundwork for a successful working relationship with your tenant. |
Rent Control and the Decline of the American City | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Sam Spiegelman As America experiences chronic housing shortages, officials across the country remain committed to rent controls—policies that have proven time and again incapable of increasing either the supply or quality of housing. Everywhere, these controls disincentivize landlordship, set prices at points unreflective of market realities, and discourage prosperity growth, especially among minority populations. To see a sustained uptick in housing, proponents of growth must convince stakeholders in cities nationwide that rent control will always be a losing bet. Today we discuss the rent-control landscape as it stands in Washington and beyond and discuss strategies for reform. |
Rent Increases Across Washington | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting For decades, rent increases or any other changes to a lease agreement in Washington were simple. Over the last few years, the State legislator and many city councils have changed the rules, and we expect many more changes to come. In this class, attorney Christopher Cutting will review: How rent increases are made in month-to-month agreements and term leases; What information must be included in rent increase notices; The length of notice periods based on the percentage of increase and the location of the property; When rent increases are prohibited. |
Roommate Rules for Seattle | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Kaitlyn Jackson Another new ordinance went into effect in Seattle on July 1, 2020. This complex law governs how you must process tenant requests to add additional occupants during tenancy. Special protections are provided for those who qualify as “immediate family members” under a new, broad definition. Attorney, Kaitlyn Jackson explains the new law and discusses other considerations such as occupancy policies and fair housing guidelines. |
Seattle First-In-Time Tenant Selection | Runtime: 2 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting In this class, learn the details of Seattle's newly reinstated First-in-Time law and required procedures for advertising, screening and offering tenancy and how to select tenants following all of Seattle's laws. Seattle Attorney, Christopher Cutting reviews all the details of the First-in-Time ordinance and how to safely complete the tenant selection process in Seattle taking into account other related Seattle laws such as Source of Income and Fair Chance Housing. |
Seattle Just Cause Eviction | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Christopher Cutting Seattle's Just Cause Eviction Ordinance was passed in 1981 in response to mass evictions that took place during the development of the convention center. Seattle Attorney Christopher Cutting will review the details of the ordinance so you can have a clear understanding of how you can legally end month-to-month tenancies in Seattle. |
Seattle Rent Increase Requirements | Runtime: 2 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting Thanks to a total of four new ordinances that went into effect in 2022, increasing rent in the City of Seattle is more complex than ever. Now with several month's experience working under these new laws, Christopher Cutting, housing provider, attorney and RHAWA vice-president will explain the new requirements and share best practices for various common circumstances. He will also discuss any questions related to managing rent increases in Seattle as time permits. |
Seattle Rental Housing Laws | Runtime: 3 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting It is critical that anyone owning and/or managing Seattle residential housing is familiar with the numerous landlord-tenant laws that are enforced by various city government departments. Attorney, Christopher Cutting will review everything you need to know to comply with the City's fair rental housing laws and rental regulations, including First-in-Time Tenant Selection, Rental Registration and Inspection, Move-In Fee restrictions and many other regulations impacting rental housing agreements and tenant rights. |
Selection and Use of Leasing Forms | Runtime: 2 hours Instructor: Chris Benis Based on recent changes to Washington State law, RHAWA has developed all new leasing forms for 2021. Make sure you understand how to use these new forms to form a binding, legal agreement between you and your tenant, outlining the rules, responsibilities, policies, and conflict resolution procedures for the tenancy. In this class, Attorney Chris Benis reviews the new selection of RHAWA rental agreement and term lease forms and explains how to select various options to reflect the specifics of your property and operating preferences. He will also review required and optional lease-signing addenda and those that can be used to update your agreement throughout the tenancy. |
Serving Notices on Tenants | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Synthia Melton Consistently enforcing the terms of your rental agreement is your legal right and responsibility. Neglecting to do so opens you up to serious risks such as property damage, lost rent, and fair housing complaints. Under new laws, it is critical to adhere to specific procedures for posting notices involving the end of tenancy under RCW 59.12.040. Attorney Synthia Melton will take you through RHAWA's Tenant Notices forms, explaining when and how to serve. |
So, You Got a Fair Housing Complaint | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Jeana Poloni A Fair Housing complaint kicks off a process that will consume a significant amount of your time and can lead to substantial fines and attorney fees. Learn to reduce your risk and get the inside scoop on the process from Attorney, Jeana Poloni who has represented dozens of clients in defense of Fair Housing complaints in Washington State. In this one-hour presentation, she reviews the typical process, various scenarios and potential outcomes. |
Spokane Rental Laws Update | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Eric Steven If you operate rental properties in Spokane, you may not realize that as of April 2023, there are now city regulations that impact your business. Between newer state laws and the new City of Spokane rental regulations, there is quite a bit to learn. In this 90-minute online class, attorney Eric Steven will review the newer requirements and provide resources so you can operate your rentals with confidence and peace of mind. |
Tacoma Rental Regulations + Measure 1 | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting Tacoma was one of the first Washington cities outside of Seattle to establish their own substantial rental housing code. In July of 2023, in response to a voter initiative, the city council passed an ordinance that added several new sections to the code, many setting new precedents in the State. Even with the new sweeping ordinance, the voter initiative went into effect December 8, 2023. Attorney Christopher Cutting will cover the entire Tacoma Rental Housing code, discussing new unique laws and changes that have been mirrored from other cities. |
Utility Billing Laws and Best Practices | Runtime: 1 hour Instructor: Chris Benis When a utility bill combines usage from more than one dwelling unit, housing providers must come up with a fair method of passing those costs on to tenants. It may be most simple to include the costs in rent, but some tenants may use far more resources than others, and there is no incentive to conserve. Attorney Chris Benis will review laws to consider when determining utility billing policies, including special requirements in the City of Seattle. He and Property Management professional, Enrique Jevons will review and discuss common practices for utility billing solutions. |
WA State and Local Laws: Leasing | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting New laws governing the practices of housing providers have been accumulating at lightning speed over the last few years at the state legislature and in over a dozen local governments in Washington. In this session, experienced landlord-tenant attorney, Christopher Cutting will review the lease and how to comply with all state and local laws when setting your terms. |
WA State and Local Laws: Tenant Notices | Runtime: 1.5 hours Instructor: Christopher Cutting Consistently enforcing the terms of your rental agreement is your legal right and responsibility. Neglecting to do so opens you up to serious risks such as property damage, lost rent, and fair housing complaints. Under new laws, it is critical to adhere to specific procedures for giving notices to increase rent, enforce rules or end tenancy. Attorney and RHAWA vice-president Christopher Cutting will take you through RHAWA's new and revised Tenant Notices forms, explaining when and how to serve. |
Washington Housing Provider Workshop | Runtime: 4 hours Instructors: Cory Brewer, Kaitlyn Jackson Learn everything you need to know about renting out a home in Washington, including new State laws, all relevant Federal laws, how to ensure you are following specific local laws*, and best practices for efficient operations. This 2-part workshop will include the following segments: Getting Ready to Rent, Leasing and Move-In, Working with Tenants, Managing Move-Outs. |
Who's On the Hook for Damages? | Runtime: 1 hour | 2/5/2025 Instructor: Maxwell Glasson By far the most common dispute we have with tenants is who pays for damages. And it's no wonder when the bar set by law is so subjective. "Ordinary use" could mean one thing to a neat freak and something completely different to someone who is more laid back. In addition to this vague guidance, there are several very specific laws to keep in mind such as, how many days you have to mail the deposit accounting, when forgiveness is required for protected groups, differences in multifamily and single-family properties, if cleaning fees were charged, who pays for your standard turnover routine, and how to handle unrelated roommates. Attorney, Maxwell Glasson will discuss this complex issue and answer your toughest questions! |
HAVE QUESTIONS? Email dmyers@RHAwa.org or call Denise Myers at (206) 905-0614.