Effective July 28, 2019, several new landlord-tenant laws took effect which have a direct impact on how rental owners manage their properties and...
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The passage of SB 5600, HB 1138, HB 1440, and HB 1462 made permanent changes to Washington State's Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (RLTA) and will...
Read PostWhile many homeowners are set to benefit from legislation which revises how excise taxes are charged for real estate transactions, the new,...
Read PostQUESTION: My tenant got a job in another state and wants to terminate their lease early – it doesn’t expire until March 31, 2020. What...
Read PostThe Seattle City Council continues to propose new legislation and amend existing landlord-tenant laws under the premise of addressing housing...
Read PostApril 28 brought the 2019 legislative session to a close. After 105 days in session, lawmakers, staffers, and lobbyists alike were ready for sine...
Read PostWashington is a beautiful state. The views are breathtaking and since it’s such a big state, there’s something for everyone, especially...
Read PostHomeowners insurance is a savior in cases of unexpected perils that you and your house may encounter in many forms. Most homeowners’ insurance...
Read PostRHAWA Advocacy Team The rental housing industry is faced with a broad political coalition that has been forming throughout the Puget Sound to...
Read PostManaging one property, although a bit challenging at first, is not that difficult once you get the hang of it. Managing multiple properties, on the...
Read PostBelieve it or not, this isn’t a pitch to convince you to sell your apartment building. Yes, we’re apartment brokers, and at the end...
Read PostSponsored blog content provided by Rentometer Tenants consider their cat or dog a furry family member, and most of them will pass on a property...
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