Are you looking for a unique opportunity to connect with rental housing providers across Washington? RHAWA’s new Housing Provider Workshops...
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During the COVID Public Emergency period, February 29, 2024, through October 31, 2022 the cities of Burien, Kenmore, Kirkland, and Seattle, all...
Read PostBecause actual limits on rent increases are unconstitutional in Washington State, local governments have been passing ordinances that create...
Read PostIn order to keep your rental home valuable as a rental there are three things that will keep not only your rental income low but the home value if...
Read PostDid you know that RHAWA houses a wealth of knowledge on the rental housing industry laws and best practices? Having access to this information is...
Read PostNo, RHAWA would not recommend putting anything in your ad about Section 8 which can be perceived as steering voucher holders away. Remember, Section...
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