Get The Vote Out

Posted By: Daniel Bannon 2024 Legislative Session, Government, Education,

There are only a few days left to submit your ballot for this year’s election cycle. As you should already be aware, participating in elections is one of the most important aspects of being an involved citizen in our system of government. As a housing provider, it is even more important to make your voice heard as your rights are consistently being restricted by lawmakers who do not understand your experiences and the time and effort it takes to operate a rental business.

Our industry continues to face serious challenges and lawmakers at all levels of government are often quick to pass policy that harms rental housing providers. This election cycle presents a significant concern since primary election results imply that the majority party in Washington State will grow its majority in both the House and Senate. This puts the rights of small housing providers at risk, as more often than not, the majority party tends to be the party pushing for more restrictions on small housing providers. However, RHAWA is a bipartisan organization and RHA PAC works hard to identify key candidates on both sides of the aisle who understand the needs of our membership. If you haven’t yet checked out the RHA PAC Voter Guide that was featured in last months Current, make sure to look for your district and consider supporting RHA PAC’s recommended candidates. Alternatively, you should have received a digital version of the Voter Guide in your email inbox which will contain links to donate to any campaign you may be interested in. The digital version of the Voter Guide also contains additional information regarding ballot initiatives in Washington State.

Most of the attention during big election years falls on federal candidates, but local elections are often even more impactfull on your day-to-day life:

• Local elections determine who will represent us in city councils, school boards, county commissions, and the state legislature. These officials make decisions on issues such as public safety, education, health care, transportation, housing, environment, and more. They also manage the budget and resources of our local governments. By voting in local elections, we can choose the candidates who share our values and interests, and hold them accountable for their actions.

• Local elections also include ballot measures or propositions that ask us to approve or reject certain policies or laws. These can affect our taxes, rights, services, and quality of life. There are several ballot initiatives related to rental housing this year which are detailed in the Voter Guide. Make sure to read the digital Voter Guide to understand RHA PAC’s perspectives on these issues.

• Local elections influence national politics and policies. Many national movements and reforms start at the local level, such as women’s rights, marriage equality, civil rights, and environmental protection. Local officials can also challenge or support the actions of the federal government on issues such as immigration, health care, climate change, and more. By voting in local elections, we can shape the future of our country and the world.

Voting is not only our right and responsibility as citizens, but also our opportunity and privilege as members of a democracy. Every vote matters and every vote counts. Voting in local elections can make a difference and create a positive change in our lives and communities. Make sure to get your ballot in and make a difference for housing providers across the entire state. Additionally, make sure you educate yourself on how to get involved in the upcoming 2025 Legislative Session. Regardless of the results of the upcoming election, we are going to have lots of work to do when the state lawmakers start developing and introducing new policies in January