Governor Extends Eviction Moratorium "Bridge"

Posted By: Alex Robertson (deleted) Advocacy,

On Thursday, June 24 Governor Inslee held a press conference to give an update on the state's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to announce the eviction moratorium “Bridge.” The numbers of vaccinated individuals are still not at 70% and currently the state is still slated to fully re-open on June 30, 2021.

Eviction Moratorium Bridge

The Governor stated that the current moratorium will be a “bridge” proclamation until effectively put in place eviction systems passed by the legislature. This will include additional money the legislature will provide to families and landlords. Combination of federal and state assistance to landlords and tenants which will go through July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021.

More than $650 million dollars have been available and $500 million dollars of federal money that helped 80,000 landlords and tenants on a local basis. The Governor stated that this bridge is to protect for homelessness. The legislature passed SB 5160, this includes eviction resolution pilot program and looking forward to getting these plans in place. These funds will be available in every county that will protect both tenants and landlords.


  • Passed Due Rent – February 29, 2020, to June 30, 2021 – Landlord is prohibited from evicting a tenant until there is an operational rental assistance program and eviction resolution program in place in their county. Additionally, landlords are prohibited from treating past unpaid rent or other charges as an enforceable debt until the landlord and tenant have been provided with an opportunity to resolve nonpayment through an eviction resolution pilot program.
  • Beginning August 1, 2021 - Renters are expected to make full payment or actively seek rental assistance. If a renter is taking any of these actions the landlord is unable to evict. If the renter has not been paying – Landlord must provide a reasonable re-payment plan before beginning the eviction process. Tenants must also be provided, in writing, the services and support available.

The actual proclamation will be available in the next few days, and we will forward a copy to you once it becomes public.

Both the Governor and Secretary Shah continued to encourage all Washingtonians to get vaccinated.  

For further information, see the Governor’s press releases below.

To view, his press conference click here.