Rental Registration and Inspection Programs

Posted By: Denise Myers

Today, most cities in Washington require housing providers to obtain a standard business license – some per business entity, some for each property. Some require a separate rental housing registration, but most do not. Each local government is unique. The majority of cities and counties in Washington do not currently monitor residential rental property condition other than responding to tenant complaints about housing code violations. Only a select group have programs that require routine periodic inspections on all rental properties under their jurisdiction. RHAWA makes an effort to learn about and share information on these types of programs, but it is challenging for us to manage an exhaustive list. All rental housing providers should carefully review the city website where each property is located and look for any regulations related to rental housing. If the property is not within any city limits, check the county website. The table below includes a summary of mandatory inspection programs currently known to RHAWA, including new programs in Spokane and Olympia. If you are aware of additional city registration and inspection programs, or identify changes needed in our summary, please let us know by emailing Denise Myers at This year, we will be hosting registration demos and inspection Q&A sessions for several different cities. These are noted in the list below. Register for these and all live virtual classes at

ABERDEEN – Since 2019

  • Registration + annual renewal for all residential rental housing units, single-family homes to large multi-family communities.
  • Fees: $50 + $2/additional unit.
  • All registered rental properties are typically inspected at least once every 3 years.
  • Owner must hire qualified rental housing inspector or use City inspector for inspections.
  • City inspector fees are $75 for the initial inspection and $150 for the 3rd reinspection.

BELLINGHAM - Since 2015

  • Annual Registration required for each residential rental housing unit.
  • Fees: $16-$20 per unit
  • Property inspections required every 3-31/2 years.
  • Owner can hire City inspector for $100 or use private inspector + pay $45 fee to City.

BURIEN - Since 2021

Online Demo + Q&A: Thursday, May 29, 2025 | 3-4pm Register at

  • Annual Housing Business License required for each residential rental property.
  • Fees: $315.29-$945.87 for each property based on number of units.
  • Every three years, at least 20 percent of a property’s rental units are required to be inspected.
  • Owner must hire qualified inspector from a list provided by the City.

KENT - Since 2013
• Properties with two or more units are subject to inspection and must be registered.
• Fees: No registration fee; $15 for online submission of inspection report.
• Property inspections required every 3 years. Single-family homes are not subject to inspection.
• The owner must hire a qualified rental housing inspector.

• Rental properties must be registered annually.
• Single family license is $50; Multifamily is $50 for the base fee plus $20 per additional unit.
• Property inspection by City or qualified private inspector is required every 5 years.


• Rental Business Licensing + annual renewal for all residential rental housing properties.
• Fees: $40 + $1.50/additional unit
• All registered rental properties must be inspected at least once every 3 years.
• City or county inspectors conduct all inspections at no charge to the owner.


OLYMPIA - Since 2024
• Registration and business licensing + annual renewal for all residential rental housing properties.
• Fees: $35 per unit/year registration. $50 per business entity (one time); $30 annual endorsement, $5 annual license renewal.
• Annual registration AND Business Licensing required as of March 1, 2024.
• Inspection every 5 years as of January 1, 2025.

PASCO - Since 1997 
• Licensing + annual renewal for all residential rental housing properties.
• Fees: $50 + $10/additional unit
• All registered rental properties must be inspected at least once every 2 years.
• City inspectors conduct inspections at no charge to the owner, or owner may hire qualified private housing inspector.

Exciting news for rental housing providers in Pasco. The city is reducing regulations on housing providers: Specifically, Pasco’s City Council voted to repeal the city’s rental license program in a vote in January 2025, citing a need to reallocate staff resources to higher-priority initiatives and reduce regulatory involvement in private transactions. We are hopeful that other cities notice Pasco’s reduced involvement in private transactions and follow suit.

PROSSER - Since 2012
• Business License required.
• Fees: $10 to register; $5 annual renewal.
• Property inspections required every 5 years.
• Inspection done by city for a fee or qualified private inspector paid by owner.

SEATTLE - Since 2014
Online Demo + Q&A: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 | 2-3pm Register at
• All rental properties must be registered and renewed every two years.
• Registration Fees: $110 per property including one unit; $20 for each additional unit
• Inspection required once every 5-10 years, based on lottery selection.
• Inspection done by city for $210/property + $40 per unit or qualified private inspector paid by owner plus $50 submittal fee to the City.

SPOKANE - Since 2023
OnDemand Demo + Q&A: Free Member OnDemand Platform
• All rental properties must be registered on city portal.
• Fees: $127 annual business license fee + $15 per unit.
• Cause-based code enforcement inspections only.
• No inspection fee charged to landlord unless there are repeat offences.
• Notices to increase rent or end tenancy are prohibited on unregistered properties as of 2024.

TUKWILA - Since 2011
Online Demo + Q&A: Thursday, July 21, 2025 | 3-4pm Register at
• Rental Business License is required and must be renewed annually.
• Fees: $88-$357 per property based on number of units.
• Each unit (including single-family homes and ADUs, long-term and short-term rentals) must be inspected before renting and then once every four years.
• Inspections done by city inspector or qualified private inspector; all fees paid by owner. City inspector fees are $83 per unit up to 4 units, then each additional unit, up to 12 is $39 per unit. For properties with 13 or more units, must contact a private inspector.

This article was written and edited by RHAWA representatives and is intended for the use of RHAWA members only. Copyrighted members-only materials may not be further disseminated. Formal legal advice and review are recommended prior to the selection and use of this information. RHAWA does not represent your selection or execution of this information as appropriate for your specific circumstance. The material contained and represented herein, although obtained from reliable sources, is not considered legal advice or to be used as a substitution for legal counsel.